Be Online and give your customers an experience they deserve.

Build your digital Queue with a system built to improve your customer’s experience online!


Expand Your Business Into a New World!

Here Are Some Of The Features Path Can Help You With Your Business.

About us

Built for industries to use.

Path Is Built For Many Industries Without Losing Its Essence For Each Industry.


Why Path?

We Built This Solution To Ease Your Daily Operations And Give Your Customers A Delightful Digital Experience Interacting With Your Brand.

Flexible pricing plan for your business

Choose & Manage Your Package To What Your Business Really Needs.



KWD 199 Yearly
  • Order Management
  • Unlimited Products
  • App Email Notifications
  • 15 Managers / Users
  • Email Marketing


KWD 350 Yearly
  • Everything Stater +
  • 50 Manager / Users
  • Pro Reports
  • Pro Analytics
  • Pro Marketing Tools
Best Seller


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  • Unlimited Managers / Users
  • Store POS
  • Seperate Inventory Locations
Coming Soon

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